Ubuntu14.10下 安装配置Eclipse、Golang 开发环境
posted @ 2015年2月01日 19:42
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Ubuntu Eclipse Golang
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1 Eclipse
Install golang package: sudo apt-get install golang
Download Eclipse:sudo apt-get install eclipse
Start Eclipse
Go to Help->Install new software
Add Goclipse URL: https://github.com/GoClipse/releases/raw/master/
Select All Availible sites and search for goclipse, select and install.
Restart Eclipse when prompted.
2 Eclipse Go Settings
Go to Window-> Preferences
Select Go
GOROOT: /usr/lib/go
GOPATH: /usr/share/go
Go-tool path: /usr/bin/go
Go formatter: /usr/bin/gofmt
Go documentor: /usr/bin/godoc
3 GoCode for Autocompletion
Make sure you have git installed: sudo apt-get install git
Get gocode with: sudo go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode
In Eclipse go to Window-> Preferences
Select Go-> Gocode (Submenu)
Gocode path: /usr/lib/go/bin/gocode
2022年8月03日 18:03
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2022年8月19日 01:56
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