

孔令春 posted @ 2010年4月13日 06:04 in 杂七杂八 with tags c++ , 3521 阅读

        自从四年前听完第一节C++课开始,我就喜欢上了它,无论是它的语法特性,还是编程的思维方式都使我深深地震撼和欣喜不已,从那时起我就决定,C++ is my life,我要用一生的时间去学习它。

        然而这一路走来,并不顺畅,我越学越迷茫,我真的不知道学完它之后我要干什么?因为它太复杂了,基乎什么都能做。也正因为如此,我失去了学习的目标和方向,我不断的买书、借书、查资料,从C++ Primer、C++程序设计特别版 到 C++标准程序库、STL源码剖析,我真的希望能够从中找到答案,却不料它和我捉起了迷藏……




AP Inter Model Quest 说:
2022年8月25日 01:56

AP Inter Model Question Papers 2023 Download, First let’s check out some details and information about the Model Question Papers, in some states it is also referred to as ‘Important Question Papers’, AP Inter Model Question Paper 2023 the Model Question Paper is the paper form of the students in which all the details of the candidates along with the Sample Question Paper and timings including the photograph are mentioned which is carried out in the examination hall and used for verification purpose.

jnanabhumiap.in 说:
2024年1月09日 05:27

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